fl 1783 from Spain

Spanish naval officer. Capitán de fragata Fulgencio Montemayor was sent to Puerto de la Soledad (Port Louis), probably in command of the snow San Sebastián, where he took over as comandante gobernador of the Spanish settlement there from Jacinto ALTOLAGUIRRE on 1 April 1783. He was reported to be as zealous in his duties as his predecessor, sending regular reports to the Viceroy, which included a manifest, dated 1 April 1783, in which he stated that the establishment, including the crew of the San Sebastián, consisted of seven officers, 25 soldiers forming the garrison, 29 seamen and 22 convicts. The livestock comprised 72 cattle, which seems a gross underestimation, 62 horses and 89 geese. He also gave details about the garrison, including the number of soldiers and ship's company, with a report on the buildings and their state of repair. Montemayor was relieved on 1 May 1784 by Agustin Figueroa. Montemayor returned to Montevideo in the San Sebastián and, on his arrival there 27 days later, he immediately wrote to the new Viceroy, Nicolás del Campo Marqués de Loreto, forwarding official correspondence and presenting his personal respects.


Andrew David & Carlos Novi
